Sunday, March 5, 2017


There are a deluge of self help books and 'guru's' touting new ways we should be happy,

which implies that we are not happy, and that happiness is some sort of requirement in
our society.

50% of the population is addicted to one sort of anti-depressant medication or another.

If you are someone who doesn't take anything for your depression, please reflect honestly
for a moment, just because you don't 'do drugs' or 'drink', or 'take pharmaceutical drugs'
doesn't mean you don't self medicate.  

Overeating, alcohol, overspending, compulsive sexual habits, TV watching, gaming, all 

are addictions of one sort of another, to take one out of 'reality' even but for a moment, 
and this seems to be the answer to modern day blues. 

Needing to constantly be busy, whether on one's cell phone, or constantly needing to be 

busy in one way or another, rushing from one 'crisis' after another, is a sign of either being
genuinely successful in business, or being addicted to the 'need' to be busy.

Being busy takes us out of the present moment, into useless chitter chatter that has become

the norm for almost everyone in this age.  Distraction is the new drug of our Century.

I see people taking a walk whilst talking on the phone or texting, lunching and texting,

waiting for a train and texting,  despite perhaps even being in company with good friends
or family members!    PS Texting while driving is not recommended!

It is an addiction, like any other.

What is happening in society as it speeds up, is that we are becoming addicted to adrenaline,

which is a hormone secreted when we are stressed out.  We live on it, and eventually learn to
love it.  

But really, does this busy-ness make us fulfilled, or does it leave us all feeling less and less

connected with our natural environment?

Krishna Rose

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

What Happened to Mary Magdalene contd.... Part II

What Happened to Mary Magdalene? Part II

So how did the Roman's manage to change the true story of Magdalene's life and lineage, and for what reasons did they go to such great lengths to wipe her name and lineage from the face of the world?

Peter was known to be jealous of Magdalene, along with a handful of Peter's 'followers', who felt women should be seen and not heard.  Jesus would often correct Cephas (Peter) publically for his narrowmindedness, and remind him that we are all created equal in the eys of God.  There is no us and them.  

After the crucifixion, there was mayhem.  Most of the discipes went into deep hiding to avoid possible capture and death.  Jesus' brother James created the Church of Jerusalem.  It was he who then became the head of Jesus' movement for 40 years, before he too was publicly stoned to death by the horribly threatened robed men of Sanhedrin.  Magdalene was ushered out of Jerusalem, by Joseph of Arimathea along with their closest confidants and friends.  Mother Mary and her daugher Salome were among them.  Mary's youngest son Jude stayed with James to run the church.  After some time, it became apparent that they were all unsafe, as the robed men of Sanhedrin, the Judean council of the main Jewish Temple, were after the followers of Jesus, to bring them to silence, permanently.  

Since Jesus' body went missing on that fateful Sunday, the Sanhedrin became extremely nervous, for it would appear to public opinion, that they had made the mistake of indeed killing the long awaited Messiah!  Why?  Because, their scripture dictated that the Messach who was coming, would die and rise on the 3rd day.  But it was two messiah's who both Roman's and Jew's alike were waiting for, not just one.  Most popular belief is that John The Baptist is the other Messiah, who was also killed, but since his head was decapitated, would not rise again.  However, in the book I am scribing all will be revealed.

The Royal Family were moved to Scetis outside of Alexandria (Egypt) in the mountain regions where a group of Essenes lived, called Theraputae.  They were known for their liberalism, and they accepted women and children into their communities as equal, unlike the Essene brotherhoods.  Magdalene was pregnant at the crucifixion.  The evidence is in the bathing of Jesus' feet just 2 weeks before Passover, then by the end of the week he was arrested.  This would be the second time Magdalene publically oiled and washed Jesus' feet.  

In ancient Judean tradition, a woman would bathe and anoint the husbands feet once in September.  Then if in Spring time she was with child, the ritual would be done again, and the marriage would be considered consummated.  If no child was being carried, the couple would refrain from intimacy until September again, when they would once again try for a child.  If by Springtime, the woman was still without child, then the husband could take another wife, as she would be considered barren.  

Magdalene did this ritual twice.  Therefore she was with child, for surely, this ritual would never have happened a second time, any other way, due to the uber strict adherence to Judean laws.  Magdalene's child would be seen as a threat to the Sanhedrin and anyone trying to claim the lineage of the Messiah for themselves (like Peter, Paul and eventually Rome).

Her name would have to be taken out of the history books forever, inorder to satisfy the greed of the men who wanted the power forever in their own hands.  Women were burned, tortured, hung and publicly flogged for 2,000 years after Magdalene's lifetime, just for having red hair (a possible sign of Magdalene's lineage), or having the power of healing in their hands, or even simple knowlege of herbs.  Women could be stoned to death just for having a twinkle in their eye.  It is the most shameful massacre in history, as over 40 million women and children worldwide were killed in the name of "Christ"!  Hard to believe!

So women adapted and learned not to shine, not to use their powers, they disconnected themselves from creativity, from nature, from the Goddess and ultimately from themselves.  It was a survival mechanism.  Still to this day, women's DNA reels in this disfunction that the Church brought upon the whole female race, calling us all whores if we didn't submit to their rule and authority.

Meanwhile, religion was being run globally by the men, and wars ensued.  The Massacre of the Cathars in Southern France on that fateful day Friday the 13th (which is why Friday 13th is still to this day conidered unlucky!), was again, another attempt to wipe out the bloodline lineage of the Messiah, Magdalene and along with it, the true story.  

So what can we learn from Magdalene's story?  How can we create a change in us, in the world, and with one another, as a society, given the understandings of how history lessons were 'fed' to us, by a corrupt lineage of lies?

To be continued......

Practcal Application for the Week:  

See where you have allowed 'society' or group pressure to conform your true self.  
What areas of your life are you afraid of being fully expressed in, without hindrance?

Free yourself, pray for mercy and heal yourself.  Be more honest with yourself, be who you want to be, dress how you love to dress, do what you love to do, say how you really feel!  Speak and live honestly, and be fearless.  This is our birthright.
For we are, all of us, created beautiful, powerful, creative and full of unique wonder.  

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Monday, February 20, 2017

What Happened to Mary Magdalene?

Artwork by Krishna Rose 
(copyright 2010)

What Happened to Mary Magdalene?

Why all the sudden interest in Mary Magdalene?  Who was she?  Who is she?  Why is she such a key factor in our current movement towards a feminine divine centered worship?  

Mary Magdalene is a fascinating person in history.  Whether she was the wife of Jesus or not is not the real issue at hand.  Whether she birthed children that created the worlds Kings, Queens and Popes of today, is not even the reason for her speciality.  What makes her special is her story.  I became fascinated by Magdalene after reading Kathleen McGowan's amazing book "The Expected One".  What a read!  My interest in her all these years later has not waned, but rather, increased.  Not merely because she is a woman whose story has many people confused, but because through her we can understand our own femininity and struggle with power.  She was never a prostitute as the Church would have you believe.  There is no documented evidence of this anywhere.  In fact she was a Princess in the line of Benjamin, she was sister to Martha and Lazarus, and was a very wealthy woman in her own right.  She became a principle leader and figurehead in the early Jesus movement, funding all the their tours and retreats that they gave everywhere they went.  The church 300 years later decided to name her "whore' inorder to belittle her station and ruin her pure reputation as the apostle to the apostles.  In fact she was a teacher in her own right, who led the group for many years to come, after the Crucifixon as well as before.  Jesus would often ask her to preach and heal.  It was her who taught Jesus how to heal the blind with dirt and spit from the hands.  The washing of the mans feet and anointing with oil in the ancient world, was a Judaic ritual for engagement and wedding vows.  There is no other reason a woman would ever be allowed to wash and anoint a mans feet, unless she was with his child.  This set apart, her story is interesting since it seems through her life, the current male insitutional religions in the world, have maintained a thoroughly masculine focused dogmatic approach to spirituality.  It is a rare religion that balances the devotion to God, with mention of a Goddess at all.  The hidden aspect of Judaic culture is God / Goddess worship, and is similar in it's essence to the ancient teachings from Vedic Culture, of which Hinduism is an off-shoot.  Goddesses were as much a part of the worlds culture for thousands of years, before Christianity founded be Rome, came along.  The Pagans, Celts, Native Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Vedic Indians (and Hindu's), Buddhist, Jews, Romans, Greeks..... all of them worshipped Goddesses openly.  So what happened?  How did it all begin that the word Goddess was alikened to heresy and would be worthy of good hanging or burning in most cases?

In my next blog, I will explain........
Blessed be,
Krishna Rose

Magdalene Speaks: Proof of Ancient Faeries of India by Krishna Rose ...

Magdalene Speaks: Proof of Ancient Faeries of India by Krishna Rose ...: Ancient Faeries of India - Asta Sakhi Faeries By Krishna Rose - Magdalene Speaks Having come from the ...

Friday, February 21, 2014

Proof of Ancient Faeries of India by Krishna Rose - Magdalene Speaks

Ancient Faeries of India - Asta Sakhi Faeries
By Krishna Rose - Magdalene Speaks

Having come from the land of England, I always had a great love of Faery and folk tales.  I was always imagining magical realms other than the one I was born into.  Needless to say, when I traveled to India and discovered that there is indeed a faery world I can enter into through meditation and prayer, I become overjoyed and set out to discover more about that possibility.   The first time I visited India, I was incredibly captivated when I found that the tales of Faeries in India were prevalent amongst the Vaishnava devotees and their ancient literature's and scriptures.  There are detailed descriptions in many hundreds of books, of a magical spiritual world, that is eternal and full of bliss.  This special place is said to have ever increasing ecstasy at every moment.  It is a place where every word is a song, and every step is a dance.  The Lord of Love, Sri Krishna and His consort, the Goddess Sri Radha enchant the inhabitants of Their magical faery forest land over and over with a beautiful eternal life of enchantment and bliss.  The Goddess, Sri Radha has many forest-maids for Her girlfriends.  There are also many faery friends, named Manjaris.  They dedicate their lives to serving the Goddess.  Below is an article describing some of what I learned.

A Poem Describing A Day of the Goddess

Here's how Sri Radha spends Her day
She rises and does Her teeth Her own way
Forest maids come and massage with oils so fine
They bathe Her body that has a brilliant shine
The faeries clothe Her with loving sentiments
Then they decorate Her with gorgeous ornaments
We can assist these manjaris  if we pray
Making wonderful plans for Sri Radha’s day;
Next She goes forth  with Her friends to Krishna's house
Wearing blue silk with jewel embroidered blouse
She calls Her forest maids and together they make haste
To cook for Krishna, She's blessed to make that special taste
Krishna goes with His friends to the forest
To take out the cows
She and the Gopi-girls return to Her house
Her mother says it's time to prepare
For Her Sun worship She does with such care
Over an hour it takes to reach The Sun Mandir
Placing the worship items on a tray crystal clear
With Her Forest faeries She goes to pick some flowers
She meditates anticipating Krishna's love showers
To Her famous lake for midday sports with That beautiful Boy
When Krishna arrives Her heart bubbles with joy
She sees Him enter a shady grove so cool
She offers devotions and a flower garland
To Her Crowned Jewel
She decorates Him with scented clay to cool Him from the heat
Her body is overwhelmed giving Her such a treat
They do funny pranks and swing together in bliss
Then for some water sports, the faeries never miss
They go to a forest grove for an amusing game of dice
Krishna gets defeated and now pays the price
Then a forest picnic where They eat all things sweet
The faeries take His remnants, for them it's their treat
After 3 now it’s time They go
Playing and joking the girls put on a funny show
Taking an hour to walk, 24 minutes to pray
Radha and Her girlfriends head for home to stay
After arriving at Her palace
She bathes with the forest maids in baths made of jewels
Radha sits alone remembering how They played
Thus ends the Goddess, Sri Radhika's day
 She now takes some rest
Night time games will soon begin
For another fun filled fest!

How sportive is His crown that is adorned by attractive peacock feathers!  His silky fore locks encircle His crown. Sri Krishna’s gait is full of frolic. His light steps put even a most attractive dancer to shame.  Due to this gait, His silky glossy smooth pitch-black dense locks are swaying back and forth thereby spreading love all around!  This, too, is a wonderful art of hypnotism!  He has adorned Himself with peacock–feathers that steals the hearts of women.  It appears like a rainbow atop fresh clouds in the sky.  He wears fresh garlands of mallikâ and mâlati flowers, nectar flows everywhere like the river Gangâ is pouring forth divine blessings in all directions from the peaks of the Himalaya.

To relieve the fatigue of the nights dancing and Rasa with the fair maidens of Vraj, Krishna gathers them together and enters the holy River known as Yamuna for frolics. Just as a drunken elephant enters the water with his mates! Some of the tired maids stand in knee-deep water, or up to their navels, while others move to neck-deep water. Then Krishna lightly splashes them, so they splash back in and forth, the frolic and games begin.  Krishna plays with some maidens alone, or he frolics in groups, sometimes He frolics with all of them after fixing various types of wagers.  When someone wins, the loser must give kisses to Him. But sometimes the loser refuses to give a kiss, and a quarrel ensues. Thus Krishna enjoys pure bliss with His fair forest girlfriends, the Gopis.
Then Krishna speaks equivocally: “How amazing! It’s night time, but the birds and the bees are mad after the blooming nectar!” Thus the forest girls wince and quickly cover themselves and faces with their hands!  Seeing Krishna’s beautiful eyes, the restless minnows swimming in the Yamuna feel shy and defeated. Thus struck with wonder, they lose their course and bump into the Goddess, Sri Radha’s submerged bodily limbs! Then Radha embraces Krishna in a fight, but He takes the hug as a friendly gesture.

It’s amazing that as the Vraja girls frolic with each other by splashing, throwing lotus flowers or thrashing each other with lotus-stems, no one loses! Yet Krishna loses his patience while watching them!  While drenched in the bliss of water sports the Gopis’ kunkum powder washes from their youthful limbs, and their eye kajjal (black eye-liner) washes from their eyes, their hair comes undone from their long black braids and their clothes become loose!  The divine God Sri Krishna, whose bluish body has been adorned with the kumkum from the bosom of pretty damsels due to being embraced by them.  It is also clear that Krishna is most lovingly embracing and kissing the damsels of Vraja who have been agitated by the melody of His flute. Krishna’s body is adorned by the other ointments on their beautiful bodies as well, such as camphor, oil of Aloe Vera, and musk. It appears that by smearing Krishna’s body with the musk from their limbs, the beautiful forest faeries have put a stamp on Him to declare that He is their property. Krishna is doubling their colourful love with the splendour of His palms, feet and lips.

 Krishna looks exceptionally dazzling when He is eager to perform confidential pastimes with the Goddess Sri Râdhâ. He is full of exuberant youth and beauty.  Sri Krishna is the One Who understands the heart of Vraja-beauties. He knows the heart of each and every girl in the forest groves, and fulfills and satisfies every one, according to their desire.  It is said that great saints and sages have meditated for thousands of years upon this Kingdom described here, in order to one day become one of the forest girls of Vraj themselves 

When divine love overwhelms the mind and agitates it, we call this state as bewilderment.  Extreme bewilderment is not present in anyone else other than the forest maidens of Vraja. On the night of the full-moon, the faery-maidens known as Manjaris have a special role to play during the Râsa-leelâ dance and in the confidential pastimes of the Goddess and Krishna! O Sri Râdha! When the Râsa-sport (divine games) begins, Sri Krishna will desert all the other forest-beauties and take You to a secluded spot! There He will obey Your command and decorate You with a variety of flowers. The high position of Sri Râdhârâni is a matter of great pride for the forest faeries (manjaris).
Since Sri Krishna is about to relish the confidential loving pastimes with the Goddess Sri Radha, He is approaching every other Gopi with swift dancing steps to embrace and kiss her. In this way, He wants to appease every young Gopi. To an outside onlooker the Râsa-dance performed at midnight under the full moon night by the bank of the River Yamuna would look like a whirlpool. He is described as sparkling (taral) because He is very close to their heart like a precious sapphire. Sri Krishna is full of infinite love-drenched rasa and unlimited sweetness.  Now He is surrounded by the Vraja-forest Gopis who are absorbed in inexpressible sweetness of the Râsa dance floor, hence He is the central character of this vortex.

Viewing the Gopis’ unadorned beauty delights Krishna’s eyes, so He hankers to enjoy them. The decorations from the forest nymphs’ bodies washes into the Yamuna River.  Thus enjoying water sports, Krishna steps onto the bank’s shore with His friends. The Manjaris dry their hair and bodies with soft towels, and they dress the Goddess in new clothes and re-decorate Her beautiful blissful form with designs, jewels and eye-kajjal.  Escorted by the forest maids, Krishna and the young maidens enter a golden temple and in its eastern corridor, there They sit upon a golden throne that is smothered in flower petals.

The forests of Vraj are filled with wish-fulfilling trees laiden with fruits and gems of all varieties.  Any wish will be granted to anyone wishing upon these trees.  Then, from the desire tree, Vrinda, one of the principle forest maids collects some amazing fruits, baskets that are filled with clothes, ornaments, scents, kunkum powder and clays of the earth.  These are meant for everyone’s decoration. Each basket is marked with the name of whom it is for. Thus the forest faeries, called Manjaris take the baskets and begin outfitting Krishna and His Goddess Sri Radha.

When the decorations (shringar) is complete, Krishna appears like Cupid personified. Krishna thus resembles the moon, and Radha and Her forest Sakhis (girlfriends) are like the moonrays. When in Krishna’s company, Radha and Her girlfriends anoint themselves with the ‘shining oil of affection’, their friendship resembles scented powder, they bathe in the ‘nectar of youth’ and their effulgence is their ‘dress of loveliness’.

The various services of the main forest girl-friends (Gopis) of the Goddess Sri Radha, are gathering herbs, grinding jewels down into powders for makeup and speaking the language of animals.  They are expert at poetry, language, dancing, music, herbology, astrology, palmistry, art, Kama Sutra (arts of love), and many other faery-like things.

Krishna and His forest Queen Sri Radha are brought to a secret place (kunj) in the forest where They can have past-times of amorous love together.  All the Gopis (girlfriends the same age as the Goddess Sri Radha) leave and return to their cottages in the forest.  Each girl has her own special designated area of the forest where they live.   The faery maid-servants known as Manjaris accompany Radha and Krishna to the kunj (the secret forest grove).  They hide behind bowers and creepers, and peek through the vines which are like windows, to see the beautiful intimate lovers together enjoying one anothers company.  The forest girls sing and hum very sweet melodies, in harmony with one another, and play soft instruments to enhance the romance and moods of the Divine God and Goddess.  

At this time, all the sensations within Sri Radha’s graceful youthful and beautiful body become one with the feelings within the pure hearted faery manjari girls.  This is called being Tadatmika.  This literally means, the forest maids become one with the heart and soul of the Goddess Sri Radha as She experiences Her most intimate and blissful moments with the Divine God Sri Krishna.  In this way the maid-servants of Radha experience the highest states of divine ecstasy known to all of creation. 

The beauty and majesty of that eternal spiritual world are revealed in many ancient scriptural writings from ancient India.  Some of which have been described here.  Vraj Vrindavan is a real place, an eternal forest where Krishna and Radha, God and Goddess reside.  These wondrous teachings are revealed so that everyone in this world can become attracted to that enter that world.  Spiritual seekers around the globe meditate on the world of Vraj Vrindavana, in the hope of one day entering.  Jesus said, we should seek out the Kingdom of God, first and foremost.  It is the same teaching as every other great Master and Avatar has given.  Here in the ancient scriptures of India, that spiritual Kingdom is described in great detail, and there are faeries there!